Moneta’ provides a range of services including joint ventures, mergers and acquisitions, investment banking, supply chain management, growth consulting, restructuring and a competitive reach to new markets and products. We would not be such a successful organization without great people and strong teamwork. We provide our people with solid career growth opportunities and a people-oriented workplace environment. Our philosophy, quite simply, is that when our people achieve their best, so do our clients, and our business prospers.


Delivering superior results requires superior knowledge — of industries, of issues, of business processes. It demands constant research and the systematic preservation of insights gained through our work with clients. Moneta' Thought Leadership is our body of intellectual capital.

At a time of increasing uncertainty, change and complexity, business leaders are called upon to offer their companies clear and responsible direction, inspiring leadership, and competent management. In a perfect world, every business is a win-win proposition. In an imperfect world, the win goes to those that know how to do it better.





We provide expert and in-depth advice to corporate clients and entrepreneurs. We are committed to you and your deal, and will use our experience of the market place to deliver a successful solution.

